We’re welcoming competitive players from across Prince William County to come out and enjoy the game. Sessions will be held throughout the season at Potomac Middle School and Potomac Shores Middle School. Whether your part of La Bestia Elite or another club, this is a great opportunity to sharpen your skills in a fun, relaxed environment. For only $5 per player (free for La Bestia Elite players), you can experience the benefits of free play in youth soccer—enhancing creativity, decision-making, and love for the game. Don’t miss out on this chance to play, compete, and grow!


  • Wednesday, September 4th, 2024.
  • Wednesday, September 18th, 2024: Register Here!
  • Wednesday, October 9th, 2024: COMING SOON

The Benefits of Open Play in Youth Soccer: Why It Matters

In the world of youth soccer, structured practices and games are essential for developing technical skills, teamwork, and discipline. However, there’s an equally important, often overlooked component of player development: open play. Open play, or free play, refers to unstructured soccer sessions where players can simply enjoy the game without the pressures of drills, coaches, or referees. These sessions are crucial in fostering creativity, decision-making, and a genuine love for the game.

1. Encouraging Creativity and Improvisation

One of the most significant benefits of open play is the freedom it gives players to be creative. Without the constraints of set plays or drills, young athletes can experiment with different moves, tricks, and strategies. This environment encourages them to think outside the box and develop their unique playing style. Players learn to solve problems on the fly, whether it’s finding new ways to beat an opponent or making unexpected passes that surprise their teammates. This creativity, fostered in a relaxed setting, can translate to more dynamic and unpredictable play during structured games.


2. Enhancing Decision-Making Skills

In structured practices, players often rely on coaches to make decisions for them. In open play, the responsibility shifts entirely to the players. They must make quick decisions about when to pass, dribble, or shoot, depending on the situation. This autonomy helps them develop better decision-making skills under pressure, which is crucial during competitive matches. As players become more confident in their ability to make split-second decisions, they can perform better in high-stakes environments.

3. Promoting Physical Fitness and Stamina

Open play also offers a unique way to build physical fitness and stamina. Without the rigid structure of drills, players often engage in more spontaneous, continuous movement. They run, sprint, and change direction frequently, which enhances their endurance and agility. The fun nature of open play makes it easier for players to push themselves physically, as they are often more focused on the enjoyment of the game rather than the effort involved. Over time, this consistent physical activity contributes to overall better fitness levels, which are essential for competitive soccer.

4. Building Social Bonds and Teamwork

Open play sessions provide an excellent opportunity for players to bond with their peers in a less formal setting. Without the presence of coaches or the pressure of winning, players can relax and interact more freely. These interactions help build camaraderie, trust, and a sense of belonging within the team. Moreover, since open play often involves players from different teams, it encourages the formation of new friendships and broadens players’ social circles. The shared joy of playing soccer for fun can create lasting memories and strengthen the overall team dynamic.

5. Fostering a Love for the Game

Perhaps the most important benefit of open play is that it fosters a genuine love for soccer. When players have the freedom to express themselves on the field, they often rediscover the joy that initially drew them to the sport. This intrinsic motivation is essential for long-term engagement in soccer. Players who love the game are more likely to remain committed, continue improving, and enjoy a lifelong relationship with the sport.

La Bestia Elite’s Commitment to Open Play

At La Bestia Elite Youth Soccer Club, we recognize the immense value of open play in developing well-rounded, skilled, and passionate soccer players. That’s why we’re excited to offer several open play sessions throughout the season, open to all competitive players across Prince William County.  Embrace the freedom, creativity, and fun that come with playing the beautiful game on your terms. Let’s keep the love for soccer alive and kicking!

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